Damon Taaffe (AdventureCORPS ID: 2683)

2014 Silver State 508

Bib: Thundercat
Start Time: 06:30
Gender: Male
Age: 38
City: Washington
State: District of Columbia
Country: USA
Nationality: USA
Veteran: No
Category: Solo
Age Group: 30+
Club: Ignite Endurance
Charity: Hydrocephalus Association
Website: http://www.rememberingjaron.com
Time Station Miles into
the Race
Avg Speed Time from
Last Station
Avg Speed From
Last Station (mph)
TS1 Silver Springs 48.0 10/05 09:00 02:30:00 19.20 02:30:00 19.20
TS2 Harmon Jct. 79.0 10/05 10:18 03:48:00 20.79 01:18:00 23.85
TS3 Austin 185.0 10/05 16:07 09:37:00 19.24 05:49:00 18.22
TS4 Eureka 255.0 10/05 20:19 13:49:00 18.46 04:12:00 16.67
TS5 Austin 326.0 10/06 01:28 18:58:00 17.19 05:09:00 13.79
TS6 Fallon 438.0 10/06 09:37 27:07:00 16.15 08:09:00 13.74
TS7 Silver Springs 464.0 10/06 11:31 29:01:00 15.99 01:54:00 13.68
Finish 510.0 10/06 14:45 32:15:00 15.81 03:14:00 14.23